I thought for several days
how I would like to have
some meditative choral music.

I was very tired
and wanted it to be quiet
and relatively non-complex.

Finally at 7 p.m. on 2-11-13
I wrote the first song,
and then later that night at about 4:30 a.m.
on what was now 2-12-13
I wrote the second one.

So, the two songs are titled

They are meant to be very unpretentious,
but while remaining within the confines
of the historical genre.

Am musing over where to go next,
as I write this.

I want to go totally crazy electronikuz,
which is most definitely in my nature.

I am working through
an eight hour training video series
re: very fine points of subtractive synthesis.

Anyone who has been around me
for the past decades
knows what that means.

Everyone will want to get out of the way
as they realize just what these sound generatiing devices
are truly capable of
apart from harmoniousness.

It is 11:36 p.m

Hope this finds all well
with all for whom I particularly care
and love intensely.

w/abundant and growing love,


11:37 p.m.
Ventura, California, USA