Music for the Mind



November 22, 2012
Good morning to everyone.

And Happy Thanksgiving day.

I got up at about 3 a.m.,
unable to sleep

(Sleepless in Ventura,
yet again)

and went in and
sat down at my keyboard
and stared at it
with what I am sure
must have been
a very blank stare.

As I looked at all of those little buttons
I wondered to myself
how in the world
I intended to play,
given that I really am half asleep still.

One of my fingers fell on the "g" above "middle c".

What I nice sound it made.

O.K., I thought to myself, lets see what happens.

"Record" on.

Hit "Play" button.

Go back to sleep while playing in G minor.

Sounds good to me.

Oh, and wake me up in a few minutes
when you are done.


Hmmmmmmmm -----

And there you have it.

The song is posted as

I listened to it once
in order to decide
whether to bounce it to disk
and then immediately fell asleep
in my chair.

Upon snapping out of my dazed state  
I stumbled out of the room,
realizing that there is no way
I could do any more
than I had already done.

So, at 8 a.m.,
on this beautiful Ventura coastal morning
(lots of thick fog),
I put the song on the reference speakers,
but not too loud
(just yet).

You guessed it,
I fell asleep again.

because that is what this music is designed to do,
I considered these to be very good tests.

The idea is to be just "mindless" enough,
and "ethereal" enough
so that it can remain in the background
even when it is in the foreground.

That way it can systematically
"crowd out"
all ongoing thoughts.

Which are almost always distressful,
or unecessary baggage,
which is bouncing around over and over and over
inside your head
until you are little more than a pile of "self talk"
saying terrible things about yourself,
most of which are quite simply untrue.

And now,
the inevitable
chronic and deep depression
along with anxiety disorder
and even borderline hysteria
with it's "hysterical conversions" aplenty.

Our lives become everything
which they shouldn't be,
in terms of mental health.

This music is intended to deal with that problem
and others which are similar to it,
by providing a tool for emptying your mind
of all active thought,
so that you may rest,

Hence the name I use for this kind of music
"relaxation music".

Hope you enjoy it,
and I hope it helps you in your studies.

I find that a clean and empty mind
works much better than one all filled with clutter.

w/love to all


Thanksgiving day
9:15 a.m.


November 21, 2012

Just posted 112112a_rrr2

Just having a little bit of fun with sound waves.

Please use responsibly.

Is meant to be played fairly loud
( = "REALLY LOUD" in your language)


12:48 p.m.
Ventura, California, USA


Happy almost Thanksgiving, to all.

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November 19, 2012
As has become all too usual,
I am racing,
and have only a few moments to say anything.

Got back into town late last night,
and up early this morning on my way to a meeting.

Before leaving town on Friday
I posted a song by John Dunstable.

I tried to get a post out at that time,
but, there just was no way to get it done.

John Dunbstable is a very interesting member
of icons of musical history.

Living during the late 1300's and early 1400's,
he provides one of few examples
we have of organ music

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November 16, 2012
It is five minutes to 8 a.m. 

I have been listening to the latest compositions
(really loud
on really good 
near field reference monitors)
for past 30 minutes.
Every single inch of space in this room is literally vibrating.

I love to walk from one end to the other and to feel all of the different vibrations which are flying every which way.

You can actually reach out and feel the music as it travels through the room, with different frequencies and frequency ranges being prominent at differ...

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November 15, 2012
I finished this "sketch" just a little before midnight, this evening.

But waited until 3:00 a.m. to convert files and post to web.

That would be right now + 1/2 hour.

So, here it is.

I haven't written much for choir for years, so that I am very rusty at it.

As I work more at it I should loosen up considerably.

I takes a certain kind of writing which is different from any other, in order to be effective.

It takes a little while to get there, so that I am
"paying my dues" now, in hope of a payoff in s...

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November 15, 2012

Got back from up north on Monday night.

Beautiful ride, both ways.

Got a lot of useful business accomplished, while laying some possibly useful groundwork while getting several of my star "accomplices" and "co-conspirators" ready for action.

I will likely tell more as facts develop on the ground.

Suffice it to say, for now, that matters are becoming more interesting by the hour and day.

This morning I began to play around with some ideas on keyboard.

I wrote some pretty radical stuff for about five...

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11-09-12 NEW SONG POSTED - 110812a

November 9, 2012

Am leaving for northern California, for weekend, in several hours.

I just got up at about 2 a.m. to finish bouncing and converting the Pro Tools 10 file into a wav file, then a CDA file, then an MP3 file, then upload to site.

Song is named 110812a, and is found on the "Music-Fall of 2012" music page.

It is a nice "trance" piece, designed,
and used,
to empty your mind of all thought,
and particularly all distressing thoughts.

Also is good to relax to,
if you can relax.

Sometimes you just can't,

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November 8, 2012
Just a quick note to inform that I have posted four new songs. 
All four are by J.S. Bach. 
The first is the very famous (and hacked)
Prelude for Violincello Solo
from Suite Number 1 for Violincello Solo.
I wrote some notes above the piece
which explains what I think. 
I will refrain from repeating them hear, at this time.

The other three pieces are little gems
from Bach's Partitas for Unaccompanied Violin
They are very popular with classical guitar players,
being very fun to play,
while bein...

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11-07-12 UPDATE

November 7, 2012
I finished two more songs.

One is the Bach cello prelude to which I have already made reference.

The other is the Bach Sarabande from the first Partita for Violin, played on guitar.

I have to convert them into several different codecs, and then, finally, to MP3.

Hopefully will get to do that part tonight to get them posted.

Have to go down into the "belly of the beast" right now, just south and east of Los Angeles, for a corporate meeting.

Maybe I will be able to tell more tonight.

Until then, 


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11-05-12 GOOD MORNING!

November 5, 2012
Just a brief note to tell that I am back in town.

Have been "rehearsing" a number of pieces during the past three hours.

It is now time to go get a cup of coffee and see what it looks like out there in all of that brightness.

For all of those who have, undoubtedy, completely forgotten (as I did, also) I pulled out the "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni.

I have some nice string setups which I have been working on during the past several weeks.

This might be a good opporunity to give them a try.

I al...

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Vincente E. Woodward

Webmaster: Sarah Woodwad