Music for the Mind



September 18, 2012
Only in my twisted bizarro world would we be celebrating not one, but two anniversaries on the same day.

With neither of them falling on that particular day.

Yes, ffffolks, I truly did forget that it was the one year anniversary of this website.

In August of 2011, daughter SW and I put this site together in several afternoons, following months of theoretical discussion.

So, I have spent the last 12 months learning what it is like to get a  website up and running and to take care of ongoing maintenance.

And, no, I cannot say that I did not expect to be fighting for my life, once again, by the time of this one year anniversary.

I had hoped otherwise.

But expect --- ?

Well ----

Yes, I did expect.

But that is because I ALWAYS EXPECT!

But the surprise inside of my mind says things which are quite to the contrary of my outward shell of a self.

It does not seem to be really so sure about any of this.

And that makes two of us.

Or is it three?  ---- or ---- ?

Or none, maybe.

Who really knows.



Anyway, just letting any who care know that I am still kicking and screaming as they drag me off to where people like me get dragged off to.

In the meantime, more cleaning, more wiring, more software, more hardware.

Oh, and did I forget?

More video studio lighting.

Very interesting.

Hope to show results before too long.

Many curve balls have been thrown at me in rapid succession during past weeks/months/years, with full-on acceleration being the norm.

Most of them are very ugly and destructive and unnecessary.

They are a tribute to the people upon whose planet I am (temporarily) stuck/trapped.

( ---  "trapped in a world he never made".)

My ability to cope with all of the madness has been reduced to almost nil.

That is when it is time to go into "war mode".

But, with every single step unstable and uncertain?


It is like learning to walk all over again.

Only this time I fall into a pond full of hungry and angry crocodiles who are just waiting for me to teeter over so that they can have at it.

It is not a comfortable feeling at all.


"Weary is the head which wears this crown".

Some are forced to take the crown by circumstance.

Why any would take it any other way escapes me completely, knowing full well what this saying means
and why it has become proverbial,
if not apocryphal.

Well, that's enough fun for now.

I really do have to get going.

Just wanted to touch base and let everyone who matters to me know that all is pretty good here.

Much pain.

But all well-deserved,
if that is any consolation.

And well taken, I should add.

w/love to all,


Ventura, California, 11:45 a.m.

p.s. the second anniversary is my one month of being alive after should be dead, once again.

Does that equal a new life?

Or a continuation of the former ones?

Or some kind of a hybrid?

All I know is that for the sake of those to whom I am the closest I am glad that I am here.

And, accordingly, I am celebrating September 17, yesterday, with a solemn silence and a time of deep introspection.

I am sure there are some who are reading this or who will be, who will also be very glad for this.

As I always tell any who have ears to hear with,
thanks for all of those prayers.

I would be doomed (if I am not, already), without them.

I take the matter with utmost seriousness.

I believe that the horrible experience which I have just gone through on Mykonos and following, says it all.

Do I really need to say more about what a slim thread we are actually dangling by?

Or how important your prayers really are to me?

I covet them earnestly.

What more COULD I say?


September 14, 2012
My interest in synthesizers goes back to the days when they were first being invented.

I couldn't wait to get one.

It cost $2500 which was enough to buy a pretty nice car, at the time.

I saved for years to buy it.

I used it to learn MIDI and subtractive synthesis, and I was then hooked for life.

One of the main controversies during that time, to which I have alluded previously, was exactly how to make a convincing sound of an orchestral instrument or the human voice.

It all started with taking actu...

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September 12, 2012

It is about 9:50 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012.

I got back from northern California and have been very busy during past two days and will be tomorrow, before I can even think about doing much other than what is immediately necessary.

I just wanted any who might care to know, that I am still alive and kicking.

I got some of my first sleep in weeks last night and the night before.

I actually was able to lay down on my stomach for awhile, most suprisingly, last night, as I found out upon awake...

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September 7, 2012
I believe that it is Friday, September 7, 2012.

It is 8:10 a.m. and I am getting ready to leave for northern California in a few minutes.

Last night I finally finished loading the selected photos of the walk up to the top of Delphi.

There are more photos, taken as we went back down.

Those will have to wait for just a little bit as I finish up the journey upwards.

The site is simply one of the most magnificent I have ever seen.

One's imagination simply runs wild as one looks about and can only wonde...

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September 5, 2012
I was on the road through the weekend. 

Nevertheless, I was able to find a portal from which to post more photos of Delphi. 

There are currently 47 photos of Delphi and 15 of the tholos. 

The Delphi photos, so far, take you about 2/3 of the way up the mountain paths. 

Next up is an amphitheatre
and above that is the stadium. 

Both are large structural complexes. 

Am choosing which of those photos to post. 

Then we have to come back down, at which time we will look at everything from above, in...

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August 31, 2012
It is 6:25 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2012.

My body is totally thrashed as I have been crashing down off of the Advil (Ibuprofen) during the past several days.

I made it a priority to get the Delphi photos posted.

The first several are posted as of several minutes ago.

These first ones are at a site which is directly below the Delphi site, proper.

It is said to be a Tholos dedicated to the Earth Goddess, Ge.

Today, the sign says it is a sanctuary (i.e. a holy place) of Athenas, i.e. Athena.

Note t...

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8-28-12 WHITE ROOM??

August 29, 2012
So, what exactly do YOU think that it is that I am talking about when I speak of "the white room"?

Here, an understanding of the associated facts is required in order to fully comprehend just exactly what it is that causes one to walk off of a wall into thin air, without even realizing that one has done so.

No drugs.

No alcohol.

Intensely concentrating on every single footstep.

Trying to be as safe possible, all things considered.

So, just what is it that caused such a thing to happen anyway?

I must...

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8-28-12 UPDATE

August 28, 2012
At is about 7:15 a.m.

I got back into town on Friday night.

Have been working on rewiring, etc. in sound studio, literally around the clock, since returning.

I have been running on one to two hours of sleep per day plus "cat naps".

I cannot lay down, except in one very narrow position on my right side.

Move in any direction, for only a few inches, and you will know about it.

I do not use pain pills and do not drink alcohol.

So, I have been constrained to use only Advil.

It works really good for pain ...

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August 22, 2012

I am sitting at the base of Meteora (pronounced meh-TERRA).

It is a monastery
which is sitting high on top of a very steep and precipitous mountain top.

Several huge pieces of rock sit alongside each other,
each as big as Half Dome,
or El Capitan in Yosemite Valley.

I am sitting in a hotel
in which my porch is sitting down at the base of the rocks
as I look up at them in preparation for ascending them
in the morning several hours from now.

I have no idea just what to expect
and can only...

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August 21, 2012

went into ancient site of Olympia all morning.

then 250 km to Delphi, where I am sitting right now.

am up high on edge of a cliff, overlooking Corinthian gulf.

is hot, but very nice.

will go to archaeological site first thing in morning.

have had numerous remarkable visits to sites during past week.

one highlight was getting a tour of Ephesus from lead archaeologist from the terrace house excavations on site.

he has been working there for 32 years.

many of most spectacular finds in museum are his wor...

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Vincente E. Woodward

Webmaster: Sarah Woodwad