"trance, not dance"



All materials on this website are copyrighted by Vincente E. Woodward.

Vincente E. Woodward is the owner of all materials on this site

and must be contacted in order for one to get permission to use any of his materials.

His address can be found in the copyright office, if unable to find it anywhere else.

He may currently be contacted at P.O. Box 24187, Ventura, CA 93002.

Downloading and personal, private non-commercial use of this music is encouraged. 

It is intended for your lisitening entertainment and enjoyment.

But, by allowing useage the owner does not intend thereby to transfer any rights whatsoever,

and expressly rejects any claim of such rights

and/or waiver or estoppel which is alleged upon such basis.

Also, there shall be no contract formation, either actual or implied,

intended by this non-exclusive license which shall be revocable at-will by me.

By using any of these songs you should understand that you are responsible for any useage or damage caused thereby, either to your sound equipment or the walls and windows in your house, or your neighbor's house, etc.



The recordings on this site started out as various proprietary files which were then converted into wav files [nearly universal standard between different kinds of digital audio workstations (DAW)] and then into CDA files (playable CD and DVDs) and then were converted into MP3 for purposes of putting onto internet. 

The fidelity on the original WAV to CDA (i.e. CDs and DVDs) is far superior to what is heard here.  It is very close to the sound as it comes out of the various microprocessors and then through the outputs of the various synthesizers and high quality sound cards. 

In the near future I hope to be pressing some discs, for sale to public, and in the meantime have put the original high quality recordings on CD Baby where they may be purchased.  On a big stereo, and even on small ones, the sound difference is rather substantial.  The MP3 compression process definitely reduces the sound quality dramatically.  No problem in a tiny little player machine, but a huge problem with high fidelity systems, for which these recordings are specifically designed. 





Vincente E. Woodward